
Showing posts from December, 2024

Loofah, Hemp and Jute Activities at Bierun

This was another activity that we enjoyed a lot as many of us had never knitted anything. We were shown what to do by a few Polish students and teachers who were really good at it and we learnt quite easily. In small groups, we started our designs using this sustainable material (jute in this case) and were amazed at what we got by the end of the activity.   Here is a presentation where we explain the activity with a few pictures as well as we describe the materials a bit more. Have a look at it, you won't be disappointed. CLICK HERE to see.


In this activity, we learnt how to make a beeswax wrap which will help us store food in a sustainable healthy natural way. The only precaution you have to take when preparing this material is closing the windows because as wax is exactly that, wax in pure state, it attracts other bees in the vicinity and they may hurt you!   This was an interesting activity as we learnt about a natural product which can help us reduce the use of plastic and we were working in international teams, which allowed us to communicate in English with our European mates.                                           A Polish teacher is cutting the wax to melt it. We brought the materials we made home and we are using them with good results. CLICK HERE to see all the process.

AUSCHWITZ: To See or not to See...

We have chosen this title for our post because, after visiting, we think it is a really hard experience, but, at the same time, in our opinion, it should be visited as you experience in reality what all people who were taken to concentration camps could have felt. The places, both Auschwitz and Birkenau, make you shiver from head to toes. The conditions the prisoners used to live in were inhumane and one wonders how it is possible that situation could have happened. It is a reminder of cruelty of human kind which should not be repeated ever. So, if you are a sensitive person get prepared for the visit because, probably, you will cry. Anyway, as a homage to those who were prisoners and died in the camps, we recommend the visit. CLICK HERE to see our experience in the camps.


As we ususally do, we visited the Radio Voz station to talk about our experience in Poland during our mobility last October 2024.    We had many different details to talk about so we had to go there twice. We wish to thank Radio Voz and Isidoro Valerio for their invitations to his programme: Ferrolanos viajeros por el mundo. We are sorry! The interviews are in Spanish. CLICK HERE for the 1st programme. CLICK HERE for the second programme.

Learning Physics by Playing

The interactive garden we visited in Cracow was an amazing experience. It is a large park with about 110 different machines where you can learn by experiencing how the machines interact with you. The fact that it is a park and the machines don't pollute enhances its benefits and relates it to our project.         It's a place where all youngsters visiting the city should go! CLICK HERE to see our experience using the machines.

This is Cracow..., a UNESCO site

                                         This is the Swedish group by the Wawel dragon In this post we like to show you beautiful Cracow, the second largest city in Poland. We visited it during our mobility in Poland last October 2024 and learnt about its history and about the Polish culture. We could see some of its most outstanding spots like Wawel Castle, with its legendary dragon at the bottom of the hill or lively Rynek Glowny and Florianska street as well as we the Barbican, part of the defensive system of the city. Come discover Cracow with us! CLICK HERE to see the presentation.

Successful Increase of Capercaillies Population in Poland

   This beautiful species of bird used to live in Galicia (our region in Spain) a few decades ago but, unfortunately, now, it's considered extinct in the mountains where it used to grow and live. To our surprise, in Poland, it was about to go extinct as well until they started a successful programme to increase its population, which has had really good results. In our opinion, we could learn from this interesting project and try and bring the species back to our mountains. The photograph was taken from behind a glass where the capercaillies usually spend their first months of life until they grow enough to be able to be set free in nature. For this reason, the quality is no good! This is our experience in images! CLICK HERE to see.


  The beautiful bank of seeds we visited in the Beskidy Mountains was an amazing discovery to us. We learnt how important these initiatives are in order to preserve species for the future. We also found out that they pay special interest in planting and growing plants and trees which are essential for capercaillies and were surprised to know how well they are doing in this field. It's an interesting place for a visit. Here, you can have a look at what our experience was like: CLICK HERE .

The importance of UNESCO Patrimony of Humanity

We didn't know much about this recognition before we visited Koniakow Lace Museum. Of course we know a bit about the expression Patrimony of Humanity but, in this case, we learnt a lot about the intangible side of this award. At the museum, we attended a talk where they explained to us how this tradition started and about the woman who created it. They explained as well how the designs have changed with the passing of time and gave us lots of details about how they have become world-wide known.                                        We also became aware that the materials they use in this kind of activity are sustainable materials, which is really important today. CLICK HERE to have a look at the article.

A NATURAL ENVIRONMENT: The Beskidy Mountains

Last October 2024, we had the opportunity to visit Bierun, a small town in Poland, as part of our Erasmus+ project: Zero Waste. One of the activities we carried out was observation of nature and of some interesting initiatives which are being carried out there.   Here is a small presentation of our visit to these beautiful mountains. We invite you to see it, CLICK HERE .


Three countries at a time...? This was something we couldn't believe until we experienced it.  This is a precise point in the Beskidy Mountains where three countries meet together. It was fun and interesting. Fun because we could say we had been to three different countries and, in fact, it was true and interesting because of the history behind the place.                        In terms of becoming aware of preserving natural spaces, these mountains are a good example of nature in good conditions as well as they are a model to copy due to the nice projects they are developing at the moment to care for the environment. They are commented on in another post. CLICK HERE to see the presentation.


My mate and myself think sports are a really relevant issues during Erasmus mobilities.                                                                        Picture by Freepik During our recent trip to Bierun, in Poland, we practised a few, even though they were not directly related to the topic of our project. We had a lot of fun and got to know each other a little better. We encourage other schools to put into practice this kind of activities. CLICK HERE to read the post.