
Showing posts from April, 2024


Here is an interview in Spanish we had at the local radio station Radio Voz. We were invited to talk a little bit about our recent visit to  Istituto di Istruzione Superiore “Michele Sanmicheli” Verona Italy, where we spent a few days sharing experiences about sustainability and the zero waste way of life with some of our partners in the project Zero Waste, supported by the EU. CLICK TO LISTEN TO THE PODCAST.


During the week a group of students from IES Canido spent in Verona, we shared our time and our experiences with our mates from the other schools taking part in this visit. We were schools from Estonia, Poland, Italy and Spain. We communicated in English, learnt a lot about the Italian culture and also shared information about sustainability.    In my case, I investigated recycling and sustainable initiatives carried out in Verona as well as the pollution problems the city faces today. The visit to a place called Centro Riuso Creativo cauhgt my attention and I would love to have something similar in my city! Here is my presentation. CLICK TO SEE.

Venice, Mantova and Murano... An amazing discovery!

Last February, we had the opportunity to travel to Verona as part of our work in the Erasmus+ project Zero Waste that we are carrying out at school. A group of 10 students and 2 teachers formed our group. During our stay, our hosts organised a trip to Venice and Murano. In Venice, we could admire the beauty of the city and were impressed by the wonderful palaces which adorn the Grand Canal on both sides. We learnt how difficult living in this city can be and explored the monuments which make it unique and worth being Patrimony of Humanity.   We: Mónica, Sara and Konjit were assigned the presentation of our experience and here you have our work. The decision to visit Murano was made on the basis of exploring the making of glass, one of the most sustainable materials on Earth because of the abundance of the materials to produce it and because it can be recycled once and once again... It was an interesting visit and we could explore the beauty of the figures they made there. Mantova w...