Eco frendly dish cloth
Ever experienced your dish cloth wasn't eco-friendly enough? Well, we've got the answer: make it out of hemp! Hemp is a plant that you can make a special kind of string out of. As long as this string isn't processed it's completely biodegradable, meaning it can be composted in nature as good as anything! Therefore this dish cloth wouldn't kill the fish in the ocean should it be dropped in there. Hemp also possesses resistant properties against mold and other fungi, which means there won't be any suspicious mushrooms growing on it. And now you might say, "but my non-eco-friendly, low-time-use, plastic dish cloth doesn't mold!" My response is: first of all it's not eco-friendly, and second of all, you can make the hemp cloth yourself! Just buy some hemp string, learn to crochet and make one! And when that one stops working, make another one! I made the dish cloth in the picture during my visit to Poland with Erasmus. I saw that other people...