
Showing posts from January, 2024

Ten Days in Iceland

In the video we are presenting, you will be able to explore and discover Iceland a bit, from the point of view of a teacher who attended a course there. It has a little to do with Geography, Geology, Biology and culture in general. The video aims at getting a little information about the country in such a way that the viewer learns a few interesting facts about it. The attached Kahoot activity (coming soon...) will allow a teacher check easily, for example, how well the students have learnt the contents developed. LINK TO THE VIDEO


And..., here is our loofah production this year.  We planted the seeds, saw them germinate, planted and saw them grow for months until we, eventually, harvested the almost dry loofahs, peeled them and let them dry for several weeks until they turned totally dry. Today, as you can see through the video, we have distributed the loofahs amongst the participants in the project and will keep expecting news from their homes about the experience of using it as a natural sponge or scourer. Together with the loofahs, we've also distributed school-made soap! LOOFAH DISTRIBUTION AT SCHOOL video.

Greener School for a Sustainable Future

The teacher who is writing this post attended the course "Greener School for a Sustainable Future" last October 2023. We are sharing the podcast of an interview she had at the radio station: Radio Voz, in the programme "People from Ferrol around the world". It's in Spanish! We wish it will be inspiring in spite of this fact. Here is a brief summary of the experience in the course, carried out in Reykjavik. The writer thinks the course was very profitable in terms of getting useful detailed activities which can be carried out at school without much effort and which may inspire students to start making changes in their lives towards a more sustainable lifestyle.  It was structured in morning and afternoon. During the mornings, the participants had talks and could experience a few activities on their own as well as share some group work activities focused on the topic of sustainability in order to achieve deeper knowledge on this issue. The afternoons, allowed the ...


Presentamos un listado de actividades que se pueden realizar fácilmente en el colegio y que ayudarán a profesores y alumnos a profundizar en la experimentación de iniciativas dirigidas a aumentar la sostenibilidad en la escuela y en nuestras propias vidas. Estos materiales son adecuados para asignaturas como: física, química, biología o cualquiera relacionada con el cuidado del medio ambiente (que en el caso de nuestro colegio es Proyecto Competencial). Las actividades fueron compartidas por PMS ERASMUS PLUS en el curso organizado por ellos: "Greener School for a Sustainable Future", realizado en Reikiavik en octubre de 2023. Son de código abierto y, además, nos han concedido amablemente permiso para traducir parte de esos materiales al español y subirlos aquí. Les estamos muy agradecidos por ello. Actividades más verdes 1 Actividades más verdes 2 (energía y agua) Actividades más verdes 2 (comida) Actividades más verdes (ciudades sostenibles)


We are presenting a list of activities which can be easily carried out at school and which will help teachers and students to go deeper into experiencing with initiatives directed towards increasing sustainability at school and in our own lives. These materials are suitable for subjects such as: physics, chemistry, biology or any related to the care for the environment (which in the case of our school is Competences Project). The activities were shared by PMS ERASMUS PLUS in the course organised by them: "Greener School for a Sustainable Future", carried out in Reykjavik in October 2023. They are open source and, in addition, they have kindly granted us permission to translate part of those materials into Spanish and upload them here. We are thankful for that. We wish you enjoy the activities and learn how to become more sustainable...! Greener Activities - Day 1 Greener Activities - Day 2 Greener Activities - Day 3